Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Other Ugly Things.


Just curious, but WHEN was it ever socially acceptable for these abhorrent eye sores to be worn?
This particular specimen takes overkill to a whole new level.  I am currently scrolling down in my browser so my poor eyes no longer have to be offended by this monstrosity.
Honestly though... these sweaters were made in ALL SERIOUSNESS.  Which means people wore them in ALL SERIOUSNESS.  Thank goodness these wastes of wool went out of style... Now each one of these sweaters ever made can be found in thriftstores or in college students' closets... or on homeless people... or the trash (WHERE THEY BELONG! ... my personal opinion).
Today, these sweaters are openly mocked at tacky Christmas sweater parties all over the country. And they should be! Just like the 80's is mocked in nightclubs and frat houses... And if you want to argue with me about 80's themed dances and parties mocking the decade, you will lose.  I will save that for another blog... the point I am making here is that we mock what used to be "cool." 

wait a minute...


(Vom. It.)
I am all for laughing at tacky.  Tacky things have a place in this world as long as those responsible for the tackiness acknowledge that it is, indeed, tacky. 


Here are some more pathetic specimens I have found that are tacky in the bad way (you know, the way the wearer/creator is totally clueless about how heinous their outfit is).
WHAT. IS. THIS?!?!?!
Looks like you got into a fight with a kindergartner with watercolors.
Bad news.
Kindergartner won.

Ugly and Tacky and Gross!
Oh my.  
There is a reason that Dorothy's slippers
were the only thing that was red and sequined
and that reason is...
Looks like you ran through a line of people holding scissors
and cups of bleach and paint and then at the finish line
in your race to see who could make the ugliest jeans
there was a little old lady with a sewing machine
who just so happened to misplace her glasses so that
her sewing was a little...well... off. 
These look like GARBAGE.
(and they belong there, too)

Ok,was it necessary to kill CHEWBACCA for his feet?
Poor Chewbacca....
So, all of the items listed should be burned if you own them or anything similar.  Do not donate these items.  NO ONE SHOULD WEAR THEM.  I DO NOT CARE IF THEY ARE IN NEED.  NO ONE NEEDS TO WEAR THESE THINGS FOR THE GENERAL GOOD OF THE PUBLIC.  It would be more noble to burn them than donate them, because no one should have to see these things in real life.