Friday, December 24, 2010


There is snow on the ground in Nashville on CHRISTMAS.  It started snowing at about 10pm Christmas Eve.  There is now about an inch of snow on the ground (which really isn't a lot) but it is enough to make me feel like a little girl again.  I thought that I had lost the excitement of Christmas because the past few Christmases have been missing siblings, which makes it feel less like Christmas. This year, all my sisters are home AND it is snowing!  I don't need any presents.  I am a happy girl.

When I was little, I used to pray for and wish for a white Christmas.  Even if I knew that the temperature was going to be well above freezing, I would still look out my window the second I got up Christmas morning just to make sure that it didn't magically snow and make my dreams come true.

I know this post may sound super-hokey and dumb, but I am 23 years old and I have never experienced a white Christmas and this is really exciting to me.  If only this had happened when I was 7... I would have been beside myself.  Christmas is supposed to be snowy, and it never has been for me, so this a big deal, and therefore it is something to blog about.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Negative Nancy.

So, in light of recent events, I have decided to make a Negative Nancy post because I need to vent all this negativity inside me.  And hopefully this will be cathartic and make me feel better... I will let you know at the end of my post.  So let's keep our fingers crossed.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, in no particular order, here are the things that really ruffle my feathers. (Yes, I just said ruffle my feathers. This is a judgment free zone.  Stop judging.  I mean  it.)

-Utah Drivers (Lack of turn signal use, unChrist-like merging practices, driving terribly in snow, turning left when your light is clearly RED...)

-Bratty girls (self centered princesses who think about themselves and no one else)

-Attention whores.


-Rude people (is it really necessary to be rude? If you are nice, people will receive you more warmly and not be so annoyed by the fact that you simply exist)

-Boys who lead girls on/string girls along. (if you aren't looking for anything serious, don't date ANYONE unless at the very beginning you specify what you want.  If you aren't wanting to be in a relationship/aren't in a place where you can then don't act like you are looking for one.)

-Me monsters (people who talk about themselves all the time.... ME!!! ME!!!! MEEEE!!!!!!)

-Story toppers (this goes along with me monsters... no one cares if you did something cooler than me, shut up!!!)

-People who listen to only one genre of music.

-People who say bands/artists "suck" when they just do not like that band or artist. (With the exception of Nickelback... I hate them and they suck.  For all other ones, learn to respect talent unless, of course, it is Miley Cyrus...)

-People who thrive in drama. (Yes, drama is unavoidable, especially if you are a female and have many female friends.  However, how you handle said drama speaks volumes about your character.  If you add fuel to the fire then you are also a drama queen.  My life used to be full of drama and I just sever ties with those people and stop letting them in to get to know me enough to make drama...)

-Political opinions on facebook. (Is it really worth losing friends over??)

-Closed-mindedness.  (OPEN YOUR MIND! IT WON'T HURT YOU! It will just make you less ignorant.)

-IGNORANCE. (If you don't know enough facts to validly support your opinion then shut up.  It just makes you sound unintelligent.  But then again, I guess we all have the freedom to look like idiots.)

-People who are conceited. (Self confidence is one thing and it is also sexy... being full of yourself is another... and the biggest turn off ever)

There may be some amendments added to this post later when I think of more.

But I do feel a little better.

Blogging is the best form of venting ever.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

When it rains.

One thing I have learned in my life is that when it rains...


Seriously.  Whenever one pretty bad thing happens, it seems like the 
universe catches drift of that and tries to one-up the first bad thing... 
Typically, these events happen in sequence,
and they hit you like... 

until you don't even realize what happened.

I like to call this little gift the domino effect.

The first event is typically one that irks you, but it isn't too terrible.

The second one is worse than the first and usually 
hits you within 12-24 hours of the first one.

Then the third one happens within 1-5 hours of the second one.
And this one is the one that REALLLLLLY sucks.

And trust me, I love getting kicked when I am down.

I have learned how to gauge when such events will unfold in my life.
They typically happen when things are going swimmingly.
(And I use this term non-sarcastically,
I mean, things are going really really well)
Things seem too good to be true... 
and that is when you know that something
is about to unfold.

In all honesty I am pretty used to it by now.
I expect bad things to happen.
I am not being a pessimist, I am just telling you like it is.
So, when life hands you lemons, I say


Merry Christmas.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Other Ugly Things.


Just curious, but WHEN was it ever socially acceptable for these abhorrent eye sores to be worn?
This particular specimen takes overkill to a whole new level.  I am currently scrolling down in my browser so my poor eyes no longer have to be offended by this monstrosity.
Honestly though... these sweaters were made in ALL SERIOUSNESS.  Which means people wore them in ALL SERIOUSNESS.  Thank goodness these wastes of wool went out of style... Now each one of these sweaters ever made can be found in thriftstores or in college students' closets... or on homeless people... or the trash (WHERE THEY BELONG! ... my personal opinion).
Today, these sweaters are openly mocked at tacky Christmas sweater parties all over the country. And they should be! Just like the 80's is mocked in nightclubs and frat houses... And if you want to argue with me about 80's themed dances and parties mocking the decade, you will lose.  I will save that for another blog... the point I am making here is that we mock what used to be "cool." 

wait a minute...


(Vom. It.)
I am all for laughing at tacky.  Tacky things have a place in this world as long as those responsible for the tackiness acknowledge that it is, indeed, tacky. 


Here are some more pathetic specimens I have found that are tacky in the bad way (you know, the way the wearer/creator is totally clueless about how heinous their outfit is).
WHAT. IS. THIS?!?!?!
Looks like you got into a fight with a kindergartner with watercolors.
Bad news.
Kindergartner won.

Ugly and Tacky and Gross!
Oh my.  
There is a reason that Dorothy's slippers
were the only thing that was red and sequined
and that reason is...
Looks like you ran through a line of people holding scissors
and cups of bleach and paint and then at the finish line
in your race to see who could make the ugliest jeans
there was a little old lady with a sewing machine
who just so happened to misplace her glasses so that
her sewing was a little...well... off. 
These look like GARBAGE.
(and they belong there, too)

Ok,was it necessary to kill CHEWBACCA for his feet?
Poor Chewbacca....
So, all of the items listed should be burned if you own them or anything similar.  Do not donate these items.  NO ONE SHOULD WEAR THEM.  I DO NOT CARE IF THEY ARE IN NEED.  NO ONE NEEDS TO WEAR THESE THINGS FOR THE GENERAL GOOD OF THE PUBLIC.  It would be more noble to burn them than donate them, because no one should have to see these things in real life.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I am really REALLY getting into the Christmas spirit. :)

Yes, I know my previous post is me whining about Christmas songs in November... but guess what?!?! IT IS DECEMBER! So bring on the Christmas!!!! 

I got a little tree for my house yesterday and some other cute decorations AND i put up lights ALL BY MYSELF... And I think I am going to try to find more decorations.  And I have been listening to Christmas music and I just feel happy.  It is GREAT. :)

So here is what I want for Christmas this year:

       -That's right.  Is it going to happen? No, but a girl can dream.

Contention is everywhere in this world and I hate it.  Why can't we all just get along?

2. I want my whole family together for Christmas this year!

3. I want to volunteer at some kind of homeless shelter to feed the homeless.  Nothing would make me happier.

4. Pick someone off of an Angel Tree.  I LOVE doing that.  Maybe I will pick a baby to help...

Christmas isn't about what you get, it is about what you give to people.  That is how you really get into the Christmas spirit.


23 days!!!!!